Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Keyword: Kindergarten

My 7-year old nephew told me today that kindergarten is just about playing games and going outside. I asked him did he learn anything when he was in kindergarten, and he said, “yeah, how to play games and go outside”. I laughed, but I think he is right. When I was in kindergarten, more than 30 years ago, I remember one day when we tried on wigs. I’m not sure why we did that, but it stands as a special day. I remember that day and the time when I walked home by myself. That stands out in my mind because I was so scared. School was dismissed early and my mom didn’t know it. I was standing outside with the principal of the school waiting for her, when I decided that it wasn’t that far and I could walk home all by myself. I believe it was like five blocks or something. The principal didn’t even try and stop me! How many adults would let a 5-year old kid take off by themselves?!? I remember walking past a fenced in yard and having a German Shepard growl and try to get me. Oh, and I’m lucky I’m still here today because after I found my way home, my mom freaked out and told me that the cops were looking for a guy in the neighborhood that was abducting children. At the time, I could care less because when I walked in the door, all I saw was my sister and my mom eating Kentucky Fried chicken without me! The nerve! Kindergarten was cool and life was much simpler then. *sigh*

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