Monday, June 16, 2008


Keyword: Coke

It’s true, things do go better with Coke. I am very addicted to Coca-Cola. I wrote Coca-Cola because I hate saying just Coke in reference to being addicted to something. I know it is probably eating away my insides, like it gets corrosion off of a car battery, but I don’t care. We used to have some tall green glasses with Coke on the side, but I have no idea where they ended up. Probably boxed up somewhere. I remember when I was younger, during the 70s, we had a bottle of Coke every night with dinner. That’s probably where my addiction came from. I remember the bottles were 1 liter bottles and I think they were green, too. My aunt used to drink about 2 liters every day. It’s easy to get hooked on the stuff. Speaking of which…I need a fix.

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