Sunday, June 8, 2008


Keyword: Dimes

A dime will not buy much today. I’m not sure if it will even buy one piece of candy. I have fond memories of dimes. That sounds stupid, but I used to be a gambler in my early days. I mean really early days. I was playing blackjack for dimes when I was about 8 years old. It was kind of a family thing and I enjoyed it because I knew every Thanksgiving or Christmas, I was gonna make some extra cash for candy. That last statement sounds like such a redneck thing to say, but I swear I’m not a redneck…I’m country, but not redneck. My mom loved cards and card games, but my dad hated it when we gambled. I’d sit around the table with my mom, my aunt, my uncle and my cousins and we’d all play blackjack. If I got stuck with 13, I’d always stay and not take any cards. I always got laughed at, but hey sometimes the dealer would bust and I’d get paid. Yeah, I’m still not that great of a blackjack player. Oh, and I still play for dimes.

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