Keyword: New York
I have always wanted to visit New York. I just want to stay for one day, from morning to late afternoon and then get the heck out of dodge. I even know the day that I want to visit: Thanksgiving Day. I want to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and then shop at Macy's after it is over. I'm not even sure if the place is open that day, but if it is, I want to shop! I also want to visit Central Park and find that gothic looking bridge I have a pic of above. I just want to be a typical tourist and take pics of everything and hopefully not get beat up for looking like a country bumpkin in the big city! *Sissy goes to see the city folk!*
Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms. –Joe Fox-“You’ve Got Mail”
Brinkley is my dog. He loves the streets of New York as much as I do. Although he likes to eat bits of pizza and bagels off the sidewalk and I prefer to buy them. –Joe Fox-“You’ve Got Mail”
Once I read a story about a butterfly in the subway, and today, I saw one. It got on at 42nd, and off at 59th, where, I assume it was going to Bloomingdales to buy a hat that will turn out to be a mistake - as almost all hats are. –Kathleen Kelly-“You’ve Got Mail”