Tuesday, September 13, 2011

~*Book Review!*~

Book: Max on Life by Max Lucado
My rating: 4/5
I received this book free in exchange for a review from BookSneeze

I've read quite a few things by Max Lucado, but they were mainly Christmas themed. This book tackles the questions we've all had at least one time or another. We all have questions about God and faith and Max Lucado gives us the answers with a touch of humor. The humor is what appealed to me.

One answer made me chuckle out loud. The question was about good deeds and how many we have to do in order to right a wrong we may have committed. One line in particular was humorous, "If I lose my temper in traffic, can I make up for it by waving at the next four cars?" I actually laughed out loud on that one because I know people that think like this all the time. Another line I found funny, "...I'll forgive your selfishness if you'll put two dollars in the plate and have your mother-in-law over for dinner." Mr. Lucado really knows how to sell it with humor!

There are 172 questions that Mr. Lucado answers and I can tell that every one has been given a lot of thought. By the time you read his response, it kind of clicks, and everything falls into place the way it should. He helps you turn on the light bulb in your head and you just get it.

This was a quick read and a very entertaining one. I highly recommend Max on Life by Max Lucado. It's very interesting and makes one think.

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