Friday, May 15, 2009

100 Words x 3

May 13, 2009
Another freakin’ birthday?!? The number keeps going up, but inside, I still feel the same. The face seems to be aging, I think, and the groans are coming at an increasing rate. I expect soon I’ll be questioning these crazy kids about their hippity-hop music and shaking my head while waxing poetic about the music when I was young. Ya know, the masterpieces by such greats as Wham!, Eddie Murphy, Falco, and Rockwell. I wonder if they’ll play those during exercise time at The Old Cracker Factory. Oh, that’s the place I’ll spend my golden years. It’s for white folks.

May 14, 2009
I have too many CDs. I don’t take care of them like I should. They sit in towering stacks around my computer. Nope, not in cases. Who the hell knows where the cases are? Not I. I have a few scratches on some, but they still play just fine. The only CD I have that skips when I play it is Limp Bizkit, and I haven’t played that thing in years. Well, I have now. After I wrote that, I had to go find it. Still skips, but not during my favorite songs, “Break Stuff” and “Trust?”. Ah, good times.

May 15, 2009
I miss Florida. I haven’t been there for a long time. I forgot what it smells like. I miss the hot sand and rhythmic surf. I reminisce about cute little bungalows and inviting blue swimming pools. I miss the souvenir shops that sell the tackiest items. Their motto must be: Anything is a souvenir as long as it has ‘Florida’ on it. I long for the days of Coppertone, flip-flops, and the sizzling sun. Quickly followed by burning flesh, the chills, and Noxema. Hmm...if I ever make it back to Florida again, I’ll need a hat and some 3000 sunblock.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

100 Words x3

May 10, 2009
Tim Burton teeth. That’s what I have. Scott came up with that tonight when I was making fun of my bottom teeth. I can bite into a piece of cheese and when I look at it, it looks like carved pumpkin teeth. I wonder if that’s why I love Halloween so much? Braces used to appeal to me, but when I reached 30, I thought I’d just learn to live with my groovy teeth. I happen to like my Tim Burton teeth. Everyone should aspire to have teeth like mine. Tim Burton teeth, it’s a good thing. I’m weird. Yeah.

May 11, 2009
I really like pizza. I believe that I’ve never met a pizza I didn’t like. However, I have met ingredients I didn’t like. Today, I tried a new pizza place. Sir Pizza recently moved into town. I have fond memories of this place. In the late 70s, my family used to take special trips into the big city just to eat at Sir Pizza. I remember it was a very small place, and if I remember correctly, they served their drinks in those huge red tumblers. We’d eat and then go shopping at Hills. I’ve always been a cheap date!

May 12, 2009
Happy Birthday! Bleh. Outside of Scott, I received one birthday greeting. One email stating “Happy Birthday” over and over, about ten times. My friend didn’t forget me on my birthday. Others did and it hurt. Hurts. I tell myself that it’s okay and it wasn’t intentional. I lie to myself. I know it is. I’ve felt that I don’t matter for quite a few years now. With every passing year, it hurts a little less. I miss my mom today. She would have given me a card. I’ll go back and reread the ones I’ve saved. Happy? Birthday. To me.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

100 Words - Nature

The glow of the sunset was beautiful. The bright orb already beneath the horizon, only a warm radiance remained. As I walked, I spied pretty white flowers, several just beginning to open. I leaned in for a quick whiff...ahh...a sweet, barely-there scent. A cricket hopped across my path just as the sounds of night began to flourish. Treefrogs across the pond, geared up for another after-hours performance The contented flora with droplets of rain visible on their foliage, swayed slightly to the cadence in the air. So many things to appreciate, perhaps photograph, sans one...a freakin’ dead camera battery! Goodnight!

Friday, May 8, 2009

100 Words for 5.08.09

It was a warm night. The moon was shining bright in the sky. It was very peaceful and quiet with the exception of the sweet melody being sung by the treefrogs. What’s that up ahead? Why, that looks like lightning. No way, rain is not in the forecast. Fifteen minutes later...BAM! BANG! ZOOM! *tinkle*tinkle*tinkle*...the storm hits. It rained hard and it rained heavy. Surprise! Here’s what we know: a)it rained; b)the lightning was spectacular; c)some newspapers probably got wet; d)I ruined my skull shoes; AND e)sticking your head out the window is the best way to get a weather report.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

100 Words

100 words per day, per entry. I saw this on a site that refuses to fix my problem with posting. I entered the first post with no problem, now I keep getting an error message. Screw 'em! So, my entries are posted here! The idea is to post 100 words every day. No back tracking or working ahead. Here's what I've got so far...

May 1, 2009
The thunder can be heard in the distance. I believe it is heading this way. Just yesterday, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. I enjoy the sun, but a little rain never hurt anyone. The lightning streaks across the sky, letting me know that the cell will be upon me very soon. A few droplets hit my face and I take pleasure in the freshness it brings. The dark clouds on the horizon seem daunting and hateful, but beautiful at the same time. I step inside and continue to watch the splendor of nature. The rain comes.

May 2, 2009
I wanted to be a part of it all. I wanted to do all the town things like go to the church pancake breakfast and later wave at people in the big parade. I wanted to hear the bands and see the clowns. I wanted to buy cotton candy from the street vendor. I wanted to go to the town square after the parade. I wanted to eat barbecue and chips while watching the singers on stage. I wanted to complain about the heat while standing in the shade waving a paper fan. I wanted to belong. But. I didn’t.

May 3, 2009
“Newspapers are a thing of the past”, “They” say. “They” with their laptops and wireless Internet connections. Well, “They”, I say to you, LIGHTEN UP!. Tell me that sitting and staring at a screen while looking at the Sunday edition of most any newspaper is the same as spreading out pages and pages of said paper on the couch, floor, bed, etc. There is nothing quite like leafing through the World news and local stuff quickly and then heading to the important stuff...the comics, advertisements, and coupons. “They”, you are boring and in need of paper print on your nose.

May 4, 2009
I see the red blob staring back at me through the steamy mirror. I think it may be glowing. The dripping reflection is merciful for it does not show the details, such as the tiny red bumps trailing along my cheeks, or the skinny veins close to the surface of my chin. Rudolph would be envious of my huge red nose. The redness is almost constant. I very rarely get a reprieve. The research shows that it will only get worse. Just one more thing to make me different. The mirror clears. I see my fate. Rosacea. I despise you.

May 5, 2009
The voice on the other end of the telephone makes my blood pressure rise. She belittles me and makes me feel like a bum. Well, maybe I make myself feel this way, but she smiles while I self-destruct. I made the payment, but I made it five days late. To me, it’s only five days. To her, it’s been months and months. Oh, she’ll tell you that it’s not her job to judge, only to receive payments. She lies and takes comfort in my discomfort. Only five months to go. Five more times I get to hear her voice. Bitch.

May 6, 2009
I saw a friend tonight and she had her baby girl with her. I realized that I’ll never be someone’s mom. I’ve thought about it before, but it’s not something I dwell on. About ten years ago, I wanted a baby and was willing to do anything to have one, but my desire to have a child died when my mother died. She was a wonderful mother and I knew with her help, I’d be a great mother, too. Time changes things. Death changes things. The moral of this story: live your life. Have babies. Time waits for no one.

May 7, 2009
Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Stretch those muscles. Muscles? Those things I almost forgot I had. I guess I’ve just been lazy. I haven’t moved much in the past two years. My body hates me because I’ve let it go into middle-age mode. Ooops...right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. I say middle-age, but people rarely live to be 86 years old. I should face it, I’m not middle-aged, I’m ancient. Can I reverse some of the damage I’ve done to myself? Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Am I strong enough? Yes? (maybe).