Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kindle review to come! (fingers crossed)

The following reasons are why I think I would make a good candidate for the Kindle campaign at

  1. I love reading and I read at least 2 books per month.
  2. I give honest reviews.
  3. I always share what I like and don't like with my friends and family.
  4. I'm a member of - just another place I can tell others about the Kindle 3!
  5. I'm a member of the BOMC2 - they don't have ebooks, but I'm just letting you know how much I love to read!
  6. I am so excited to join this compaign, I would *think* about getting a tattoo somewhere inconspicuous!
  7. If I got picked, I would constantly gush about BzzAgent and Kindle all the time on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Tumblr, Pinterest, and anywhere else I can sign up and speak my mind!
Attention readers: With any luck, my next post will be a review of the awesome Kindle 3! Check back often and don't forget my other site for coupons and deals:    

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