Tuesday, May 12, 2009

100 Words x3

May 10, 2009
Tim Burton teeth. That’s what I have. Scott came up with that tonight when I was making fun of my bottom teeth. I can bite into a piece of cheese and when I look at it, it looks like carved pumpkin teeth. I wonder if that’s why I love Halloween so much? Braces used to appeal to me, but when I reached 30, I thought I’d just learn to live with my groovy teeth. I happen to like my Tim Burton teeth. Everyone should aspire to have teeth like mine. Tim Burton teeth, it’s a good thing. I’m weird. Yeah.

May 11, 2009
I really like pizza. I believe that I’ve never met a pizza I didn’t like. However, I have met ingredients I didn’t like. Today, I tried a new pizza place. Sir Pizza recently moved into town. I have fond memories of this place. In the late 70s, my family used to take special trips into the big city just to eat at Sir Pizza. I remember it was a very small place, and if I remember correctly, they served their drinks in those huge red tumblers. We’d eat and then go shopping at Hills. I’ve always been a cheap date!

May 12, 2009
Happy Birthday! Bleh. Outside of Scott, I received one birthday greeting. One email stating “Happy Birthday” over and over, about ten times. My friend didn’t forget me on my birthday. Others did and it hurt. Hurts. I tell myself that it’s okay and it wasn’t intentional. I lie to myself. I know it is. I’ve felt that I don’t matter for quite a few years now. With every passing year, it hurts a little less. I miss my mom today. She would have given me a card. I’ll go back and reread the ones I’ve saved. Happy? Birthday. To me.

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